Saturday, November 03, 2018

New Series I Bond Rates - November 2018 through April 2019

On Monday 11/1/18 the Bureau of the Public Debt announced earnings rates for Series I Savings Bonds and Series EE Savings Bonds, issued from November 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019.

Series I bond, or iBond, fixed rates are determined each May 1 and November 1. Each fixed rate applies to all I-bonds issued in the six months following the rate determination. 

The Current I Bond Composite Earnings Rate is 2.83% with a base rate of 0.50%, the highest base rate in ten years!  The Top Rate for older i Bonds is 5.96%!  (See Rates for Older Series I Bonds)

Series EE Savings Bonds will earn 0.10% per year. "All Series EE bonds issued since May 2005 earn a fixed rate in the first 20 years after issue. At 20 years, the bonds will be worth at least two times their purchase price. The bonds will continue to earn interest at their original fixed rate for an additional 10 years unless new terms and conditions are announced before the final 10-year period begins."

For more about how I Bond Rates are calculated and the new rates for older iBonds, see:

My advice: I am not a fan of Series EE savings bonds and have other recommendations in my newsletter for 100% safe, fixed income investing. I happily answer questions about fixed income and my other recommendations via email from my subscribers if what I write isn't clear or if you have something not covered and want my opinion. 
Disclaimer: I own Series I Bonds in my personal account (some have base rates of 3.0%!  I also currently have them in my Newsletter Explore Portfolio.  

Source:  Fiscal Service Announces New Savings Bonds Rates, Series I to Earn 2.83%, Series EE to Earn 0.10%
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