Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Charles Neener Predicts DOW 5,000

Charles Neener, former Goldman Sachs technical analyst, is on CNBC talking about his market advice. 
CNBC printed a summary of his past calls
  • 2009:  Dow 5,000 in 2 to 3 years
  • Dec. 2008: Called for deflation in 2009
  • Early 2007:  Called for DOW 14,500
  • Aug. 2006:  Warned of "substantial drop" in housing market
Summary of Current advice:
  • DOW 5,000 in 2 to 3 years
  • Deflationary crisis ahead
  • Investors should stay out of the market
  • Invest in 10-year Treasuries - Quotes
  • Dollar won't rally
Charts of
DOW JONES INDU ^DJI - More charts
S&P 500 - More charts

Today's Current Market Stats: 
  • DOW  10,042
  • Nasdaq 2,124.97 
  • S&P 500 1,052.01  
  • 10YR UST: TNX = 2.49%
  • 30-Yr UST: TYX = 3.56%
Since 12/31/98 "Kirk's Newsletter Explore Portfolio" is UP 152% (a double plus another 52%!!) vs. the SandP500 UP a tiny 5.7% vs. NASDAQ Comp  down 0.6%!   (All through 8/22/10)  More Info

In 2009, "Kirk's Newsletter Explore Portfolio" gained 33.5% vs. the DJIA up 18.8%
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