Thursday, August 26, 2010

Equity, Bond & Money Market Fund Flows - Yearly Totals

Money continues to pour into bond funds and out of equities.  This is the fifth week in a row with positive (inflows) into low yielding money market funds.  Annual data shown in table 1 below.
Weekly 08/25/2010 
  • Equity Fund outflows $4.6 Bil
  • Taxable Bond Fund Inflows $3.9 Bil
  • xETFs - Equity Fund outflows $1.4 Bil
  • Taxable Bond Fund Inflows $2.9 Bil
Fund Flow Totals for 2010 through 8/25/10
Table 1 AMG Fund Flows for Full Year - $B
Fund Flows for Equity Tax Bond MM Fund
2003 40.8 40.7 NC
2004 95.0 11.3 (64.3)
2005 71.9 9.3 89.0
2006 52.5 29.9 308.3
2007 111.3 68.8 569.5
2008 3.5 (3.3) 608.0
2009 6.0 172.0 (280.2)
2010 (23.6) 110.2 (379.4)
  • NC = Data Not Compiled
  •  += Some data points for Money Market Fund flows between March 2010 and July 14, 2010 are missing but the overall trend is clear. 
  • Raw data from AMG Weekly Fund Flows Data
ExETFsFor the week ended 8/25/2010 all Equity funds report net outflows totaling $1.395 billion as Domestic Equity funds report net outflows of $1.199 billion and Non-Domestic Equity funds report net outflows of $0.196 billion...   ExETFs—Emerging Markets Equity funds report net inflows of $0.232 billion, the group’s twelfth consecutive week of positive flows…   Net inflows are reported for All Taxable Bond funds (+$3.885 billion), bringing the rate of inflows of the $2.565-trillion sector to $6.673 billion/week...  International & Global Debt funds (+$0.879 billion) continued to draw assets as they reported inflows for the thirteenth consecutive week... Net inflows of $1.277 billion were reported for Corp-Investment Grade funds... Money Market funds report net inflows of $2.758 billion...  ExETFs—Municipal Bond funds report net inflows of $0.677 billion.... 


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