Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Kirk's DOW CLX Model with S&P500 Values

Kirk's DOW CLX Model with S&P500 Values for Nov 17, 2010

For "Don's students of CLX," here is today's DOW CLX 10s and 30s plotted against the S&P500 back to July 2007.
click for full size image
Note how we have a potential convergence of the dashed black and pink support lines with the bottoming in the clx10 a day after options expiration Friday.
If we get there and the phrase "hanging curve" comes to mind, then I'm with you.
For those who are not "students of CLX" this is an experimental timing model I've been playing around with the past decade to help me get better buy and sell points for my trading around core positions in my explore portfolio.

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