Friday, February 25, 2011

ECRI's WLI at 42 Week High: 'Get While the Getting Is Good'

The Economic Cycle Research Institute, ECRI - a New York-based independent forecasting group, released its latest readings for its proprietary Weekly Leading Index (WLI) this morning.   (More about ECRI)

You can read my full article at Seeking Alpha:
ECRI's WLI at 42 Week High: 'Get While the Getting Is Good'
How to play ECRI's Signals: I own a lot of small cap stocks in my personal "explore portfolio" so I own SPY (SPY description and charts) to get a more market weighting in this trading portfolio. If I wanted to recommend just one ETF to be long the market and take advantage of ECRI's outlook for an upturn in the business cycle, it would be the Total Stock Market Index VTI (VTI description and charts), which has BOTH large and small cap stocks. I also own the total stock market index fund at Vanguard, (VTSMX) as part of my personal core portfolios. Vanguard discourages trading its index funds so VTI is the vehicle of choice for that.

KEY ECRI Articles:
Lakshman Achuthan - Beating the Business Cycle

“This easy-to-read book tells you how the respected ECRI calls turning points, and how you can, too.”
—Jane Bryant Quinn, Newsweek columnist

" The Economic Cycle Research Institute can justify a certain smugness now that business cycles are back in fashion."
--Harvard Business Review

“Shows... how far the state of the art in cycle forecasting has advanced, and how investors can profit from it.”
—Jon Markman, award-winning CNBC/MSN financial columnist 

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