Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Taiwan Will Hike Minimum Wages on July 1, 2015

Digitimes reported this morning that tomorrow Taiwan will hike its minimum wages for hourly and monthly workers.
Taiwan will hike its monthly minimum wage by 3.81% from NT$19,273 (US$623) to NT$20,008 and the hourly minimum wage rate will rise 4.35% from NT$115 to NT$120, with the new wage schemes to take effect on July 1, according to the labor ministry.
This works out to new minimum wages for Taiwan in US dollars of

  • Monthly $623
  • Hourly $3.88
=== Great Rates ===

I can see why many chip companies have moved manufacturing out of the Silicon Valley where the minimum wage in many cities is or will be $15 per hour soon.  

From www.mountainview.gov - CITY MINIMUM WAGE 
On October 9, 2014, the Mountain View City Council, approved the first reading of a Minimum Wage Ordinance establishing a minimum wage in the City of Mountain View of $10.30 per hour effective July 1, 2015, with annual adjustments for inflation on January 1 of each following year. The second reading of the Minimum Wage Ordinance was held on October 28, 2014.
The City Council also adopted a goal of reaching a $15.00 per hour minimum wage by 2018, working in cooperation with neighboring cities and regional organizations, and with input from the Mountain View community. In March 2015, staff will update the Council on minimum wage provisions in the region and seek direction on a work plan to achieve this goal.

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