Wednesday, March 08, 2017

CIA Hack to Get Window 8 For Free

As a Microsoft (MSFT)shareholder, I hope the company demands a full accounting of the CIA and NSA to make sure every workstation that has Windows software paid for the license.  
From a WikiLeaks tweet yesterday: 
"Don't want to pay for Wndows? The CIA's hackers have a pirate guide to skip product key activation"
"The default MDSN Windows 8 installation requires Product Key Activation in order to setup.  The following steps are useful in editing the MSDN iso to enable the Skip button during the install."
Hell, over 30 years ago when I was at HP and it was easy to get and install illegal, pirated software, having it on a work computer without the proper license was something that would get you fired and walked out the door.  
It is "interesting" as Mr. Spock would say that there is no warning on this hacked document that doing this is illegal.

Perhaps  Microsoft will get a huge revenue boost by going after the CIA and NSA to get paid for the stolen software.... This could be a nice, special dividend for us shareholders!

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