Thursday, August 23, 2018

AAII Irrational Exuberance & Pessimism Sentiment Graph

AAII Bulls Minus Bears vs DJIA and "Irrational Exuberance & Pessimism" Investor Sentiment Graph for 8/22/18:
The AAII Investor Sentiment Survey measures the percentage of individual investors who are bullish, bearish, and neutral on the stock market for the next six months. AAII is the "American Association of Individual Investors." For the survey, Individual members of the AAII are polled on a weekly basis. Only one vote per member is accepted in each weekly voting period. The AAII reports the weekly results at
As of 8/22/18, the AAII members are:
  • Bullish: 38.46%
  • Neutral: 34.47%
  • Bearish: 27.07%
AAII Bulls vs Bears Investor Sentiment "Irrational Exuberance & Pessimism" Graph

Timer Digest Update:

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Charts of the AAII (American Association of Individual Investors) Bulls minus Bears Index versus the market are key sentiment indicators for stock market technical analysis.  Contrarian theory states the time to buy is when fear and pessimism are at a maximum since this usually occurs near market bottoms.

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