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Thursday, April 05, 2018

KEYS - Keysight Stock Charts

Keysight Technologies Inc. (KEYS) is the world's leading electronic measurement company.  Agilent spun off KEYS in November 2014, 15 years after Hewlett-Packard spun off Agilent in 1999. Keysight is the original Hewlett-Packard instrument company before HP got into computers and semiconductors. Just as Agilent concentrates on “picks and shovels” for the emerging biotechnology industry, KEYS will focus on making test equipment for the electronics industry. To increase growth, on 4/18/17, Keys acquired networking company Ixia for $1.6B in cash via more debt. Ixia addresses fast-growing communications and networking trends including 5G, IoT, visibility, security and application performance.

KEYS has:

  • Filled two of four open gaps from the past year  left from its run from $35.62 to $55.21
  • Met the minimum target for the inverted Head & Shoulders pattern shown on my linear chart below. 
  • Corrected 8.7% off its record high, much less than any of the major indexes

Hourly Chart
Sold at the Top:  On March 9, less than a month ago, I took profits at $54.  
The question now is where and when do I buy back those shares.

Log KEYS chart

Linear KEYS chart
More KEYS charts

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