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Friday, January 25, 2019

Emerging Markets - Bullish VWO Charts

📈These VWO charts are very bullish and the fundamentals show below are better than those of the US markets:
VWO Daily Chart 
  1. VWO made a "W bottom"
  2. That "W bottom" has been tested from above.
  3. The downtrend is clearly broken.
  4. Most major VWO bottoms in the past were "W bottoms."
  5. The lower open gaps have filled while there are two very open gaps well above the current price.
  6. "The Low" was set in October 2018 with a "higher low" made in December 2018 when the US markets were making their bear market (down over 20%) intraday lows.
VWO Hourly Chart 
💲I last added VWO to my Explore Portfolio at $38.50 with an auto buy so I am "talking my book." 

Excerpt from page 12 of my latest Investment Newsletter that shows all markets but the Dow had bear market declines last year... and the Dow just missed by 0.6%! 

Excerpt from page 29 of my Investment Newsletter show shows the PE ratio for VWO is much lower than that of the S&P500.  VWO deserves a discount to the US markets for many reasons, but 10.5 vs. 15.4 leaves much room for upside.
Of course now that I mention it here, VWO will pullback off the 200-day moving average and scare many out so don't buy if you don't hold for the long term or have my newsletter for guidance about when I add to positions then take profits when the price recovers.  (I have an "Auto Sell" to take profits for some of my shares purchased at $38.50, currently at a higher than today's price, in the newsletter.)

Updated after market closed on 1/25/19 
 Subscribe NOW and get the
January 2019 
Issue for FREE!!!

Updated after market closed on 1/25/19 


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