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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jeremy Siegel & Ed Yardeni - The Bulls are Out

Today the DOW and S&P500 are making new all time highs.  CNBC had two bulls on who said the markets are not over-valued.
Don't miss out! Subscribe now and get the April 2013 issue of "Kirk Lindstrom's Investment Letter for FREE!

Jeremy Siegel, author of "Stocks for the Long Run" has the following targets
Ed Yardeni, a good economist, is more "worried about a meltup."
  • "Fundamentals aren't that bad for the market"
  • Yardeni isn't a fan or tech or materials but says a case could be made for a secular bull market based on energy and robotics with the latter good for bringing production back to the US but not good for jobs.
  • Yardeni's biggest worry?  "worried about a meltup."
DOW JONES INDU ^DJI - More charts
S&P 500 - More charts

Both Yardeni and Siegel cited something I've written about for awhile.  That is money seeking yield from around the globe will probably find a home in "safer" US stocks that are leading the markets now. 

The Core and Explore portfolios in "Kirk Lindstrom's Investment Letter" are at all-time highs.  It is not too late if you missed out of the market's great gains.  If you fear a major correction or bear market, then subscribe today then do the following
  • Divide your money for one of the core portfolios into 12 or 24 equal amounts. 
  • Put one payment in right away into the core mutual funds or ETFs I recommend.
  • In a month on the same day, if the market is flat or higher, put another payment into the same funds.
  • If the market drops 5%, then make a double payment when it happens and start the monthy counter from this new date
  • If the market drops another 5%, then make another payment.
  • This way, if the market drops 50% you make 10 payments and get all in with the majority of your funds at a level much closer to the prior lows than today's new high.
  • But... if the market continues higher as many think it will, then you are getting SOME in now and get more in with time.
  • Remember too that ALL my core and explore portfolios have significant cash reserves to take advantage of market declines.   Thus even if you get "fully invested" at a market top, such as with a lump sum today, my portfolios have reserves to take advantage of any unexpected bear markets.
Don't miss out!  Don't Delay!  Subscribe now and get the April 2013 issue of "Kirk Lindstrom's Investment Letter for FREE!

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